Sunday, December 30, 2012

In Gratitude For 2012

This is the last blog for 2012. As I prepare myself to welcome the new calendar year, I already feel a sense of great accomplishment. 2012 was not easy, but along with the obstacles there were so many goodies, so many a-has, and so much integration of the good and bad inside of me.

I'm entering the new year feeling more grown up, more empowered, certain that I'm on my way to something extraordinary and extremely grateful that the road to this extraordinary place has been filled with unbelievable growth, friendship, teachings, relationships, freedom, opportunities and a fun knack for risk taking.

Life defied me once again this year in an unexpected way (this time nothing involving any hospital visits). And, as I worked through the event, I understood what a true blessing it was, and even now as I write about it, I am overwhelmed with gratitude flowing out of my heart & eyes in the form of tears. One of the best lessons I got out of it was that if I didn't defy myself, if I didn't push myself to my perceived limit, it WILL be done for me in a way I may not necessarily like at first. So I'm proud to say that 2012 has been a year where I have learned that going beyond imposed boundaries is not only okay but vital for constant growth.

This year, I solidified an amazing partnership with the best business partner anyone can ask for. Our projects are so congruent with our life's purpose that working feels like I'm taking a stroll in the carnival of life. The most fun I have ever had while serving others and truly honoring what I'm here to do. Without her support & kicks in my butt to get me in gear, I would not be writing this blog as is.

My family is my rock. And I include those who are my spiritual family too. To paraphrase the great Emerson, if we're related, we'll be sure to meet. I feel so loved and supported by those around me (locally & non locally). Through constant support & challenges, from every single one of them, I leave 2012 behind a woman. A woman who knows herself, her potential, her inspirations and her tenacity. I leave 2012 a lot closer to being the woman I have always dreamed of being.

A sincere thank you to all those who have in one way or another participated in this amazing journey with me. 2012 has been unforgettable. I wouldn't change one second of it.

To the two most important women in my life, my mom & daughter... You both keep me so balanced, focused and present. You are my buffer zone. Your hearts speak to me with no need for words. I live you so much & playing the daughter & mother in this wonderful dynamic has been thus far the most exciting experience of my life.

Finally, to myself, I would like to leave a little written note in case I lose focus, or get off track in 2013.. Thank you for taking a chance on yourself, for trusting that little voice inside who whispers lovingly to you. Thank you for acknowledging the blinding light inside of you and sprinting with it. Thank you for loving yourself, your family and honoring your sacred values this year. Thank you for not reacting during the tough times and finding that place of love when making difficult decisions. Thank you for taking inventory of your life and what's important to you. Thank you for taking your health seriously, and understanding that you are in charge of your well being. Thank you for seeing the divine entanglement among the living beings and seeing your own soul inside everyone's eyes. Thank you for your relentless curiosity and eagerness to learn. Thank you for believing in the beauty of your dreams and taking action steps to inspire the world. Thank you for investing in your financial future and deciding to emancipate yourself from the feeling of impotence. Thank you for seeing and feeling the love with your family... And thank you for reaching out and sharing your message with other social circles..

Thank you, 2012!

Love, inspiration, wisdom and lots of prosperity in 2013!

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